What To Know About Emergency AC Repair
Many people wait until their AC breaks down completely before they call for help, which can lead to long and sweltering wait times. In this blog post, Coastal Climate Experts discuss what you need to know about emergency AC repairs. We’ll also talk about some common issues that might require emergency repair, and we’ll recommend some preventive maintenance that you should perform regularly to keep your AC happy and your household comfortably climate controlled!
Signs that you need an emergency AC repair
Unusual noises
Strange sounds coming from your AC unit could be a sign that something is wrong. If you notice any hissing, banging, or grinding noises emanating from your AC unit, it’s best to call for help right away. These sounds could indicate that there are loose parts in your AC unit, which could lead to further damage if left unchecked.
The unit is blowing warm air
If your AC unit is blowing warm air instead of cold, it’s definitely time to call for help. This could be a sign of a Freon leak, which is a serious issue that needs to be addressed by a professional AC repair technician immediately. If you see this, it might be because the airflow in your AC system is blocked. Get a certified HVAC technician to look at your system closely, including all of the ducts and even the thermostat. If you don’t take care of this now, it could cause worse problems later on.
Your AC unit won’t turn on
If your AC unit doesn’t seem to be responding when you attempt to turn it on, this could be a sign of a more serious issue. It’s best to call for AC repair help right away so that the problem can be diagnosed and fixed as soon as possible.
The unit is cycling rapidly
If your AC unit seems to be cycling on and off more frequently than normal, this could be a sign of an electrical issue. AC units typically cycle on and off every few minutes, so if it’s doing so much more frequently, there’s definitely a problem that needs to be addressed.
There is ice in the system
If there is ice buildup on your AC unit, this is a serious problem that needs to be fixed immediately. Ice in the system can prevent the AC unit from working properly and can cause extensive damage if left unaddressed. Ice tends to form on the evaporator coil, but you will probably notice puddles under and around your AC from ice melt.
There is high indoor humidity
If your AC unit is not keeping the indoor humidity at a comfortable level, this could be a sign of a problem. The ideal indoor humidity level is between 30 and 50 percent. Any higher than that, and your home can feel stuffy and mold might start to grow. High indoor humidity can lead to mold and mildew growth, so it’s important to have it addressed as soon as possible.
The unit has a weak air current
If the air coming out of your AC unit is weak, this could be a sign that the unit is not working properly. A weak air current can be caused by a variety of issues, so it’s important to have it checked out by a professional. If your air conditioner is cycling on and off more than normal, it might be time for a tune-up. A clogged air filter could be the culprit, but it’s also possible that the motor is wearing out.
The unit has a foul odor
If your AC unit has a foul odor, this could be a sign of mold or mildew growth. Mold and mildew can cause serious health problems, so it’s important to have the unit checked out as soon as possible. A burning smell should never be ignored either -it is a likely sign of an electrical issue. Your ductwork might also need to be cleaned or replaced.
The breakers keep tripping
If the breakers for your AC unit keep tripping, this could be a sign of a serious electrical problem. It’s important to have the unit checked out by a professional as soon as possible. Electrical problems can significantly affect your air conditioner and also become a fire hazard. If you notice a burning smell, it is essential to prioritize this problem for emergency AC repair service.
The fan doesn’t spin
Your outdoor central air unit’s fan should rotate when the machine is in use to circulate hot air outdoors. If the fan isn’t working, though, the AC compressor could overheat and break. This can necessitate more repairs or a replacement beyond just a new fan motor.
The thermostat malfunctions
The problem might not be with your thermostat if the temperature in the room isn’t matching the reading on the device, or if it’s not coming on when you program it to. It’s more likely that there is an issue with your AC unit itself.
Your refrigerant is low
It’s common for central air units to utilize a refrigerant to help with the cooling process. If your AC isn’t running well or has low levels, it might have a leak. The only way to recharge your refrigerant is by contacting an AC repair company.
Preventive maintenance
There are numerous preventive maintenance operations you can perform to head off these problems before they start. Consider the following:
Clean your air filters
Clean your air filters regularly. This will help your AC run more efficiently and prevent strain on the system.
Inspect your AC
Inspect your AC unit regularly for any damage, rusting, or leaks. If you see any of these, contact an AC repair company right away.
Clear space around your AC
Check around your AC unit for any debris or obstructions. Make sure there are at least two feet of clearance around the unit.
Clean your evaporator and condenser coils
Your AC unit’s evaporator and condenser coils can become dirty over time. This reduces efficiency and puts strain on the system. Clean them regularly to keep your AC running smoothly.
Check your AC’s refrigerant level
If your AC unit is low on refrigerant, it will have to work harder to cool your home. This puts unnecessary strain on the system and can cause damage.
Ensure your coil fins are straight
The fins on your AC unit’s coils can become bent over time. This makes it harder for air to flow through the coils and can decrease efficiency. Use a fin comb to straighten out any bent fins.
Drain line maintenance
Your AC unit’s drain line can become clogged with dirt and debris over time. This can cause water to back up into the unit, leading to damage. You should clean the drain line regularly to prevent this from happening.
First, attach a wet-or-dry vacuum to the drain line and remove any sludge or water. Next, access the drain system and pour hot water into it, continuing to flush the line until the water becomes clear. You can also add anti-sludge chemicals made specifically for AC drain lines; these may come as tablets for the evaporator pan or a liquid that is poured into the pan or drain line service port. Never use bleach, vinegar, or any kind of cleaner designed to break up hair and grease in your AC.
Do you have any of these issues? Contact Coastal Climate Experts today!
The Coastal Climate Experts are a professional HVAC company that prides itself on sterling service. We have served Melbourne, Merritt Island, Cocoa Beach, and surrounding areas for over a decade by offering fair prices and exceptional service. The Coastal Climate Experts works with all types of systems, and we dedicate ourselves to establishing a lasting relationship with our customers. Contact us today for emergency AC repair to beat the heat!